MYIROtools Manual - Display Calibration

Important note: Version 1.5 does not contain Display calibration software.
The display calibration feature utilizes basICColor display6 until MYIROtools v1.42.
It is integrated in MYIROtools installation (up to v1.42), and launched as external application when you click the button "Display" in the tools section of MYIROtools.
The user manual is available in PDF and installed at the following location:
/Applications/MYIRO/Utility/basICColor display 6/PDF Manuals
/Program Files\MYIRO\MYIROtools\Module\Utility\basICColor display 6\PDF Manuals
You can also download them using the links provided on basICColor webpage:
For more support on basICColor display6, please contact basICColor from the help menu of the basICColor Display6 application.