The main reason for quality discussions with print buyers is color. The print product is supposed to encourage the customer to buy the advertised products. Color is one of the first things we notice when we judge the quality of a product. If it is unappealing or wrong, we consider the quality of the product to be low.
Therefore, printing color accurately is a key to the profitability of a print production.
The press operator's job is to keep production running smoothly and on time. He has to deal with makeready, consumable availability, finishing, and many other tasks.
Why is Color Management so complicated ?
Color management is often seen as a punishment, even though its importance is well known. We believe this is because many of today's tools are designed for color experts, not for production. MYIRO solutions are made for you, the press operator. Using step-by-step workflows, MYIROtools allows you to calibrate your machines by the way, MYIRO-1 and MYIRO-9 allow you to do it wherever you want.